Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | February 10, 2019

This morning with a forecast of snow as a possibility, Shawn suggested we go over to my parents and help clear some of the ice away from the cars and from in front of the garage doors. We loaded up the heavy shovel, the tile scraper, and Shawn’s wheel chair along with a few other necessities. While we were there I was going to meet the guy who was installing…

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By Julia Schmeelk | February 9, 2019

I have a wonderful friend who is painting the basement as a house warming gift. While engaged in this project, he also helped with the mind bending problem of the light fixture over the stairs. It looks like an ancient affair, crusted with dirt inside and out and obviously the bulb needed to be changed. Yesterday, using the ice scraper, which is in fact a tile scraper, I was able…

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