Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | February 12, 2019

We have some wonderful neighbors. This morning I was up early, but I never noticed them cleaning the fresh snow off my driveway or digging out my sidewalk. What a nice bunch of people: and while I can guess whom it might be, I can’t be sure. We’ll see if some careful snooping tells the tale.

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Mattie and Jenny

By Julia Schmeelk | February 10, 2019
The Youngsters - Red and Star

When Heron first meets Jenny, she is four cycles and Mattie is six. They quickly grow and age as they move from book to book. Jenny of course is Trissy’s half sister. Mattie is adopted from a Farmer, she is the result of a that Farmer’s infidelity and his wife could not raise her without being reminded of the break in their vows. The girls are raised as sisters and…

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