Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By CTCadmin | March 15, 2019

I am building a utopian world, one where dragons are struggling to accept humans and humans are struggling to accept dragons. Leadership, species needs, and obvious differences aside, they are attempting to make things as equal as possible. As the series grows, the readers will see even more of this. As a writer steeped in modern American culture, and not living in a cave, glaring instances of inequality in my…

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Series Cost

By CTCadmin | March 12, 2019

The NewEarth Series can be downloaded in a single blast for a single cost. Amazon is doing a series bundle, which makes it convenient. One of my readers left a fabulous review on the series. I smile every time I see it. Since Gordon’s Pride is currently listed for FREE,the total cost of the six books is under $15. You can’t beat that. If you haven’t started the series yet…

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