Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Garden Prep

By CTCadmin | March 16, 2019

Well, the time has finally come to start the seeds. I am beyond excited to do this here in the new house. I am only going to have a small garden here and a much larger spread at my parents. I started the seed collection today with the usual green beans, snap peas, corn, lettuce, squashes, peppers, and tomatoes. I am also hoping to grow Brussels Sprouts, turnips, carrots, and…

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😥Sympathy to NZ

By CTCadmin | March 15, 2019

Like everyone else, I am hearing details and my stomach turns. People at prayer, shot down for practicing their faith by a White Christian Extremist. A terrorist, for this is an act of terror, trying to send a message as opposed to a crazed madman indiscriminantly shooting people for fun and pleasure. I guess authorities have unearthed his affiliation to an organized group of haters who think killing others is…

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