Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 22, 2019

I use a determined form of positivity, looking for the glint of good in every situation. The reason behind that attitude is selfish. I was not always a happy person. In fact, I spent my time in the negative quarters of my head, beating myself up over things I had no control over. I thought that cell of despair was my prison, and I would be forever locked outside the…

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Spring Allergies

By Julia Schmeelk | March 20, 2019

There are some allergies I can ignore. A little rash, some itchy eyes and palm hives are annoying, but it doesn’t kill you. On the other hand, some allergies can make you stop and pay attention. I like to breathe. I am probably not alone in that, and any allergy that affects my breathing, either by filling my lungs with mucus or closing my throat, is something I pay attention…

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