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Julia's Latest Posts
Whether you believe in gravity, or not, you won’t float. The same is true of climate change, atmospheric toxicology reports, and many other environmental issues. You don’t have to believe. It isn’t going to make a difference. Well, except you’ll be among the first to die. But I guess you don’t plan to be prepared. You probably don’t watch for tornadoes during a watch either. In any case, while I…
Read MoreThis morning I got up, hopeful and happy to explore this new employment opportunity. I did my Wii fit, took a shower poured my coffee and sent the image that showed the check from my new employer (IMDS) had cleared. It was 40 minutes before my report time, but I was feeling pretty good. In moments Mrs. Anita Cortez got back to me, asking if the funds were accessible. She…
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