Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts


By Julia Schmeelk | April 10, 2019

As people spring clean their houses, many of them drag out unwanted items and pile them by the road, making a feast of possibilities for veteran scroungers. Shawn and I have always made use of such opportunities, just as I dig through our things and drag out our own pile of unwanted items. It is a tradition, one we were not sure would be here in our new town, but…

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A Beautiful Day!

By Julia Schmeelk | April 8, 2019

I was hoping Jo, my editor, would have a packet for me leading towards the release of book 7, The Hunter, but it looks like her work may be still stalled. Instead, I spent a good portion of the day outside. When I wasn’t outside I was with my dad. We are having fun planning the garden and looking for interesting things to plant. We found rhubarb roots and a…

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