Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Opportunity Usually Knocks

By Julia Schmeelk | April 17, 2019

I think I blogged about the solar power system we are having installed at my folks house. Well last night a help wanted advertisement for that company came across my desk. I applied, sending in my resume. Today I had the first interview over the phone. Wednesday I have another interview. Sometimes opportunity knocks down the door, other times it taps at the window. Either way, I am prepared to…

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My Cup is Filling Up

By Julia Schmeelk | April 17, 2019

In case you didn’t hear me shouting for joy, or catch a glimpse of me doing an outrageous happy dance, I got a new review for Gordon’s Pride. For those keeping track, it is the 13th for Gordon and Hanna’s story. 5🌟’s Loved this start to the New Earth Series. “This sci-fi is very different than the usual sci-fi’s I’ve read. New Earth has been colonized by people from Earth,…

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