Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Sri Lanka

By Julia Schmeelk | April 22, 2019

It sickens and saddens my heart to hear of any group that believes that by murdering groups of people they can make a political point and back it up with influence and fear. It never proves anything but that they are monsters, with no respect for life, not even their own. Killing to make a point only makes the point that you can and will kill. As far as persuasion-it…

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Interesting Interview

By Julia Schmeelk | April 22, 2019

It was an old respected company, but they had many positions to fill seeing as how they were opening a number of new offices. Instead of the usual one to one interview, or even as a candidate facing a team, this was eight candidates or applicants sitting in a room for a presentation. The presenter was interviewing us, measuring our responses, and determining whether we fit in with his company’s…

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