Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

The Past…

By Julia Schmeelk | May 20, 2019

When I was a kid and we were living in Chicago, my parents were part of the community organization. They participated in the big fundraiser by working in a carnival. It was always the highlight of the summer getting to help, assist in the games and draw people in . Not only was the runway energy amazing and joyful, but if we were all helping we weren’t spending a ton…

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Fat 🦶 feet 🦶

By Julia Schmeelk | May 19, 2019

Not only do I have feet shaped more like duck feet than human ones, but I am convinced that I have grown to exceed my feet’s weight limit. That must be why after seven hours of being on my feet walking through the store, my feet insist on hurting for the last hour. They cramp at the toes, the arch spasms, the sides ache and throb, and as if that…

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