Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

New Adventures

By Julia Schmeelk | June 14, 2019

Not only am I venturing into sales, but I am expanding my territory. I am located in a store, circulating among customers and talking about a service the company I work for offers. This past week I included a new store, spreading the news of our service and helping people take those first steps. Needless to say I am not cleared to blog about the particulars of my job. One…

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Pets are ❤️

By Julia Schmeelk | June 14, 2019

It was a sad day when my parents beloved Francie barked for the last time as the vet team came in and spared her any more suffering. She had been struggling with moving around for some time. Getting up to go outside had become more and more difficult. In the end, feces and urine were running out of her with no warning. It was a sad day, sad for my…

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