Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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New Job

By Julia Schmeelk | July 29, 2019

As I complete my second full month, I am feeling more comfortable with sales. It is very different from teaching school, very different from writing and promoting, and yet- I find some skills are definitely cross overs. The benefits are unmistakable, there is a positive culture of support, commission checks, flexible hours, and the knowledge that we are supporting the environment, the planet, the human population. I am selling solar…

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Good Friends

By Julia Schmeelk | July 23, 2019

Like a lot of people, I have been blessed with a number of good close friends. One of the most amazing things is when a friend from one part of your life can cross those invisible lines and enter another part and integrate successfully. I had a friend I taught with for a few years come and visit. I was thrilled to see her, but I wondered how she would…

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