Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Corona Virus

By Julia Schmeelk | March 11, 2020

Making jokes about this pandemic is in poor taste, but this one is irresistible. Iā€™d say something about this virus, but you might not get it. šŸ˜€ Be well, be safe, and please, read a book and write a review.

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 9, 2020

Having a head cold is always interesting, but having it at the beginning of the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak is enlightening. People are so much better than you would think. Nobody backed away from me, nobody made the sign of the cross. I was not chased out of the public square by pitchfork wielding maniacs, nor did anyone act like I had the sign of some beast tattooed on my forehead.…

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