Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | October 12, 2020
Six Dragons Drinking - NewEarth Series artwork by Athena Tivnan

The dragons of NewEarth are not clever beasts, they are intelligent beings. They are very similar to us, with a wide range of intelligences within their species, but all capable of some deep thinking and analyzing. One of the valued skills among dragons is deception. While humans value truth, or the facsimile of truth, depending on how cynical you are. To dragons being able to deceive and do it well…

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Fairytales for Adults

By Julia Schmeelk | October 6, 2020

What makes a great Fairytale? Is it the layers of lessons and wisdom? Is it the stick in your mind stories and themes? Is it the simplicity, characters, or symbolism? Is it the handling of delicate topics in ways that speak gently about the horrific, and horribly about the mundane? So are my stories fairytales? I’ll leave it to readers to decide, but they are written with an audience of…

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