Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Storms and Damage

By Julia Schmeelk | August 17, 2021

We had a couple of impressive storms. I know my brother, some 900 miles away experienced some of his own. Trees have been uprooted, split in half, knocked over and tossed onto power lines. In general the storms made a mess of things and the sound of chainsaws took over as soon as the thunder abated. Storms are interesting things. They can feel like an assault, or they can isolate…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 16, 2021
NewEarth Hens

In all 6 books there is a scattered mention of hens. They are much like chickens, providing eggs and kept in a protected environment so as not to fall prey to any passing puton. Gordon has a huge hen house and he gave a bunch to Heron when he completed the hut. Golly had an argument with the hens because they wanted to keep their eggs and pecked his hands.…

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