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Most readers always want to know more about the characters and settings of NewEarth. For that purpose, we have provided this section to provide additional information on NewEarth that may not be found in the books.
Julia's Latest Posts
Reading apps are cool, I can access so many new and exciting stories from all kinds of new authors. The problem of course is they can be very expensive. As a reader, I don’t mind buying books, but some of these books if you buy a chapter at a time will be over $20. And they aren’t that long. It does make me wonder if I shouldn’t put one of…
Read MoreIn my world, the NewEarth world, self-awareness is a task every youth must undertake. They must decide if they are territory dragons or clan dragons. They must discover their talents, and gain the training they need from an expert they admire. Every youth must travel, discover what kind of dragon they choose to be, how they choose to conduct themselves, and eventually where they want to live, under what leadership,…
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