Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Character Map

I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.

This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.

Click the Character Map for a Larger Version

Julia's Latest Posts

LeeAnn the Healer

By Julia Schmeelk | August 15, 2021
NewEarth4 - Healing - by Julia Schmeelk

In book 4, LeeAnn, this amazing young woman who has survived some terrible circumstances, is dropped into Grabon’s nest. This is definitely not the best introduction of a human to a territory dragon, but I will say it was memorable for everyone there. LeeAnn heals not only her own injuries but Grabon’s and her value is recognized by everyone. She was trained as a healer, she uses Griss’ brews to…

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Gordon’s Pride

By Julia Schmeelk | October 12, 2020

Read about Hanna’s survival, her journey of strength, compassion, and love. Never underestimate a woman who may be down. Those who read Hanna as being weak and helpless are missing the strength that she attracts. Yes, she has been abandoned by everyone, left alone in the wilderness to die. Yet somehow she makes friends. She manages to feed herself, she sells one of her creations, she buys her supplies. And…

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By Julia Schmeelk | October 12, 2020
Six Dragons Drinking - NewEarth Series artwork by Athena Tivnan

The dragons of NewEarth are not clever beasts, they are intelligent beings. They are very similar to us, with a wide range of intelligences within their species, but all capable of some deep thinking and analyzing. One of the valued skills among dragons is deception. While humans value truth, or the facsimile of truth, depending on how cynical you are. To dragons being able to deceive and do it well…

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