Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Character Map

I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.

This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.

Click the Character Map for a Larger Version

Julia's Latest Posts

Car Travel

By CTCadmin | May 22, 2018

After spending the day in the car and traveling over 600 miles, I am grateful for the combustion engine. It is fun to fantasize about cattle or elephants pulling a wagon and I love horse drawn carriages, but for sheer convenience and speed the only thing that beats a car is a plane and that only in speed. Planes generally are not easy to park, fuel is not available every…

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New Equipment

By CTCadmin | May 21, 2018
NewEarth - Human Symbol

It is entirely a human concern, the excitement and dread of getting new equipment. Most of us have experienced having to learn a new way of doing something with a new tool. I can remember wishing I could use the old word processessor. My last vacuum had different buttons and I could find them in the dark, while this new one makes no sense. The remote on my old system…

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By CTCadmin | May 18, 2018
NewEarth4-Healing- by Julia Schmeelk

One of the themes for Healing, NewEarth4, is acceptance. It is a theme that continues to reoccure in the series, so don’t be surprised when you see it again. Acceptance for LeeAnn involves more than a reluctant welcome. It involves providing for Golly’s needs as well as her own need to heal, to love, and to trust again. In her own family she did not have a firm place once…

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