NewEarth Character Map
I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.
This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.
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I intended to blog earlier and missed the chance. Oh look, something else to do. Excuses made and please accept my apology so we can move on. I am not sure of the weather of where you are, but here in the Midwest it is hot, let me say that again, H O T ! Like melt your brain in the sun, hot. Plants are cooking while their little roots…
Read MoreI opened a new Facebook account, NewEarth Schmeelk. I made it a public account so readers could coorispond and get in touch with me. It absolutely amazed me how many pics of penises I got for my trouble. I had to repress the urge to send answers, with recommendations for decorations and uses for those things, but I managed to get rid of them all. In self defense I find…
Read MoreWe went to a little street festival over the weekend where I was able to meet people, shake hands and hand out my cards inviting people to visit the website and find out about my books. I meet some of the nicest people that way and at the same time we made a few purchases. I got a fabulous lip product called LipSense by SeneGence. They have some great colors…
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