NewEarth Character Map
I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.
This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.
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Bryon; my computer, promotion, and go to guy, is always coming up with new ideas and ways to improve our public appearances. I call him and tell him about this or that I want to add, a new picture or another book and he rearranges and somehow makes it all fit together. Not everyone has the ability to shift and change, along with someone like me who is constantly adjusting…
Read MoreIt looks like everything is moving along. In ten short days we close and the hopeful house will be ours!!😍😺👍 The inspection report was fantastic, lots of little things to fix, radon to mitigate, some electrical to update, nothing that cannot be done and nothing that will cost more than the house or even half the value. We plan to move at the beginning of November, giving us time to…
Read MoreAside from the writer, editor, artist, promotion management, and general support, there are the readers and the wonderful people who spread the word about every book, every review and every blog post. So a special thanks to everyone who has lent their support to all my projects and helped me get this series seen by so many. We may be a long way from selling a million copies of each,…
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