NewEarth Character Map
I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.
This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.
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Since I was a kid, I have always known my father was brilliant, but for this recent move, he came up with an idea, I use every day. He had, or bought a very long 12 inch wide 2 inch thick board. Then he created an extension so the board was the full distance of my stairs. This served two purposes, the board lies on the whole length of the…
Read MoreSometimes unpacking and moving in seems like a war against time. For two days because of the snow we were stuck at home and I made good use of the time. Then this morning I managed to get the boot and floor pad in place to protect the floor while we take off our snow boots. We have a wonderful floor in the kitchen and people use salt snow melt…
Read MoreThe first six inches are pretty, blanketing the house, yard, and trees. It turns everything into a post card or Christmas card scene. When it continues to pile up the picture perfect image distorts, but as it drifts and the wind tries its hand at sculpting, it is amazing. However, it can reach a point where it is no longer friendly or looking or nice, but more of a barren…
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