NewEarth Character Map
I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.
This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.
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I enjoy Christmas, all the flash, color and decoration. The music is eclectic and fun, the spirit of the holiday is always a celebration which feeds my determined positive outlook, my personal armor against depression. This year we found a door cover on sale, really very cheap, a Christmas scene, it lights up, plays music, is sound activated. Instead of removing a wreath, we put it on the pantry door.…
Read MoreIt is amazing how a little sun and warmth can lighten things up. Patches of my yard even thawed enough to get some bulbs in the ground for spring. We put together my yard wagon and the mighty Jethro and I played outside. Now that the snow is melting, maybe we should set up the new snowblower. It might scare off the winter weather for awhile, or invite it to…
Read MoreNot only am I giving away free copies of Healing: NewEarth4, that wonderful story about LeeAnn the healer, her huge friend Golly who is not only physically deformed from torture, but developmentally challenged from a genetic disorder; but I got a new review for Gordon’s Pride. Giving away Books is fun, but getting a review always fills my internal hope chest with light. Thanks everyone who leaves reviews, not just…
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