Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Character Map

I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.

This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.

Click the Character Map for a Larger Version

Julia's Latest Posts

Christmas Coffee

By Julia Schmeelk | December 24, 2018

About a year ago, a friend of mine from Hawaii sent me a basket of goodies, coffee included. I hoard that stuff like it is gold and make a single cup at a time and relish the chocolate macadamia nut brew, the scent and the flavor as it fills my senses and sends caffeine rushing through my veins. (All the other flavors were good too but I think this one…

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Strange Weather

By Julia Schmeelk | December 23, 2018

Now that we have a shovel designed for Shawn’s scooter, a snow blower, and are ready for winter, the sun is shining and it is barely below freezing. Where has winter gone? It looks like we will not have a white Christmas but at least the grass is not growing because I do not have a mower yet. Merry almost Christmas everyone!

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By Julia Schmeelk | December 23, 2018

Today’s holiday adventure is all about wrapping. I don’t know about all of you, but we have been collecting wrapping paper for years and have a crazy collection of thirty or more rolls of colored, festive wrap that goes on forever. There is the tissue thin recycled type. There is the heavy double sided, the single sided with cut lines, the plain back and the metal foil. There are the…

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