Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Character Map

I have provided a character map for easy reference when trying to understand the web of relationships of the NewEarth characters.

This character map, as well as all NewEarth artwork, was created by Athena Tivnan. Click here for more of Athena's artwork on DeviantArt.

Click the Character Map for a Larger Version

Julia's Latest Posts

New Shirt

By Julia Schmeelk | January 2, 2019

Like a ton of other people, I got a new shirt for Christmas. I wore it for the first time yesterday and discovered an odd little problem. I am guessing that most of you have encountered a problem like this with a piece of clothing, it rides up. It is an underlayer shirt, meant to be worn under other clothes so it is soft and formfitting and warm. It is…

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Fighting a Cold

By Julia Schmeelk | December 30, 2018

Some of you may know that I quit smoking, almost a year ago. I had made a couple of efforts after my heart episode, but the flu last year did the trick. By the time I was well enough to step outside, I hadn’t had a cigarette in 14 days. So while Shawn has cut back, I am smoke free, only occasionally puffing on an electric one to get me…

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Happy New Year!

By Julia Schmeelk | December 30, 2018

As we get ready to tackle the band new 2019 and pin it down, I recall last year at this time when I had only just released Gordon’s Pride and was getting ready to put out Heron’s Bonds. I have learned a lot since then. About selling books, marketing, formatting, publishing, giving away books and all types of other things. As it stands, I plan to release The Hunter February…

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