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I have always had some pretty imaginative takes on the world. But like most people, I used to count on News to give me facts about what is happening. Yet more and more, I realize that facts are scarce or distorted, but opinion and fictionalized events are huge. It is difficult to know what is real and what is not. Recently I have had the opportunity to speak with some…
Read MoreI have been struggling with writing this post for what feels like weeks, yet only a few days have passed. Mass shootings are terrible no matter where they occur and no matter who the targets are. It is gut wrenching to realize that one lone kook can break every social convention and open fire in a crowd. It makes us afraid, it makes us cautious, it is terrorizing. These shooters…
Read MoreI have never aspired to be a plumber, but I know how valuable those skills are. Indoor conveniences like running water have always been high on my priority list and greatly appreciated. Having the sewer back up into my laundry room and leave a trail of sewage run off through my storage area is not an experience I wanted to repeat after the first time. Before the plumbers could rod…
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