Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Glossary of Terms


Julia's Latest Posts

Visitors to the Territory

By Julia Schmeelk | December 17, 2017

When approaching a claimed territory, a dragon is supposed to announce their presence and purpose. This allows the territory dragon to impart rules and restrictions as well as issue invitations and warnings. Monna broke those rules by not announcing her presence in Gordon’s Pride. In Heron’s Bonds several visitors arrive, some follow the rules and some don’t. Not all dragons are compliant with rules, the same as not all humans…

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Cold and clear

By Julia Schmeelk | December 16, 2017

Depending on where you live, this has entirely different meanings when reporting on the weather. Here in the southern mid-west, cold and clear is temps between 0-35 with the sun shining. In Alaska, cold when referring to weather starts at below, -1 and is anytime you can see sky, dark or light. Cold in Chicago is below 32 and in Minnesota I don’t think cold applies until 0 either. What…

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By Julia Schmeelk | December 14, 2017

I know I am not the only technophobe in the world, but my understanding of how the computer works, runs and connects to the invisible network of information is more a practice in magical thinking than an understanding of the technology itself. Therefor, having a grand wizard of technogeekdom in my corner is important. Thanks Brian for adding, deleting, fixing, updating, rearranging, monitoring, researching and answering my silly questions with…

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