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By Julia Schmeelk | January 28, 2018

I am not what you would call a huge television fan, but I enjoy certain stories they offer. Unlike a majority of people I know, I am not a sports fan, I prefer my news in type, not hype and I am entertained by commercials. That being said, the television is a distraction, a regulatory device with weather alerts and a source of short bits of entertainment. My husband and…

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Value of Life

By Julia Schmeelk | January 27, 2018

Too many people play games with the value of human life. They don’t do it bluntly, they make an effort to dress it in pretty clothes and political rhetoric, but the underlying meaning is- my life and my kind has more value in life than this other kind. Some blame it on a god, others on superior genetics or on the distance from the sun. In my mind it is…

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Slow Start

By Julia Schmeelk | January 27, 2018

Like all people, I have days when I rise, singing and happy to face a new day. I am often filled with energy to embrace a challenge and raring and happy to start on my next project. Between the recent flu and a bout of gloomy weather, I awoke to the dog whining at the foot of our bed and a dull throb in my head. As I sit here…

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