Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By CTCadmin | February 16, 2018

It is one thing when I break out in spots, sneeze my head off or have some lovely unexplained reaction, but my poor dog has some unknown allergy and it is making him nuts. The poor thing has been to the vet twice already and has been on meds, had his food changed, been forced to endure a bath and is generally unhappy with the situation. If these eruptions weren’t…

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By CTCadmin | February 16, 2018

Yes dragons snort and humans who spend time with dragons accept that behavior. Maybe not all humans, but certain types who enjoy inflicting the gross factor on others. Grabon first snorts on Heron in Gordon’s Pride and it is obvious from Heron’s reaction that it is not the first time. That snort of course includes an accumulation of runny snot that is sprayed with precision at a chosen target. It…

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By CTCadmin | February 15, 2018

Do you hate waiting? I can be extraordinarily patient about certain things, but waiting for others to do their job so I can do mine, is not one of those instances. Presently I am waiting on the doctor to call in a prescription or call me for an appointment. I am going to start nagging since I have given them five days to get it done on their own and…

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