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By Julia Schmeelk | March 11, 2018

It is positively thrilling to have people reading my books and hopefully enjoying the stories. It is always my goal when writing to touch a readers heart, make them laugh a little, make them shed a tear or two and make them feel good about life in the end. The human condition is what it is, the absurdities of our existence are all around us and at some point we…

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 11, 2018

To celebrate the release of the third book in the series, The Heartsinger, I have put Gordon’s Pride on the sale rack for one week only. Starting today through the 18th the first of the NewEarth Series is only $0.99. Tell all your friends about this new and exciting series.

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Thrilled and Tired

By Julia Schmeelk | March 10, 2018

Sending my books out into the world is both exciting and exhausting. It helps to remember that nothing is perfect, some blemishes can be overlooked. I retain the ability to go back and fix mistakes, which I plan to do with Gordon’s Pride as well as change the cover, but first I have to find the time. In The Heartsinger, there is an extra page, blank because of a formatting…

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