Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 16, 2018

Like every other American, I take a day out of my life, collect my paperwork, go over it twice and go and see the tax man, hoping and praying that I can afford to pay the taxes my government thinks I owe. The last thing anyone wants is to challenge the IRS. After all they have the power to ruin you. So I dutifully collect and add up figures, look…

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 16, 2018

One of my favorite parts of spring is watching the seeds that I plant start to poke their noses out of the dirt. This morning, I have little green noses greeting the sun. My garden this year will be filled with peppers and cucumbers, and tomatoes.

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Companion Bond

By Julia Schmeelk | March 15, 2018

The bond between Grabon and Heron does not allow them to think with one mind, does not avoid arguments or even stop them from deceiving one another or themselves, but it does allow them to combine strengths in a way that without the bond, they could not coordinate. Heron and Grabon both have strong well developed intellects, psychic abilities and similar talents and skills. They read people very well, communicate…

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