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On the Farm

By Julia Schmeelk | March 24, 2018

As many people know, I live on a cattle farm and watch the seasons change from the comfort of my porch, surrounded by fields filled with cows. Spring has definitely arrived! Not only are the fields green even while the trees are still in bud, but we have five new babies wandering around among the herd. Often the only way to spot them is to look for the cow with…

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 22, 2018

”That is the way things have always been done,” people grump as if that is a viable defense for doing something one way as opposed to another. I actually enjoy traditions, doing something the way my grandmother or great grandmother did things, but I am not stuck in the past either. All too often dragons and humans see the way something was as an excuse to keep something that way…

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Open Gates

By Julia Schmeelk | March 21, 2018
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