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By Julia Schmeelk | March 31, 2018

No matter what holiday you celebrate as these seasons change, enjoy the celebration; eat, gather with friends and family, and take some time to renew yourself. From my world to yours, have a wonderful holiday!

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 28, 2018

Complaining about the weather is a lot like complaining about…. there really is nothing else that is so far beyond our control. Yet it is always a favorite topic. Today is rainy and cool, a perfect day for soup and melted cheese and writing all day. If we were stuck with an electrical storm I would have to shut down my computer. Unfortunately I need to shop for a few…

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Orders delayed

By Julia Schmeelk | March 27, 2018

I ordered a pair of shoes. Now if you have ever gone through this, you know that it is a very risky sort of thing. You know the shoes had to be fantastic for me to take the risk, but of course the order did not go smoothly. About four weeks from placing the order I got the dreaded email, yes the shoes I wanted were out of stock. Do…

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