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Freezing Rain

By Julia Schmeelk | April 2, 2018

We traveled home again after a wonderful visit with my brother and his family. The food was fantastic, the company entertaining and many of the stories worth repeating. However the weather really could have been nicer. About halfway home, we had to stop for de- icing, gas and a bathroom. We passed three cars whose tires were facing the sky and six who somehow lost the road and parked in…

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Happy Easter

By Julia Schmeelk | April 1, 2018

For those of you who worship, practice, or celebrate, have a wonderful time. Gatherings are special as you can tell from my stories and something I especially enjoy. As people travel, I hope they stay safe and keep an eye on the weather.

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Travel Day

By Julia Schmeelk | March 31, 2018

Of course we traveled by car, over rivers and through some magnificent hollows and landscapes. As always we enjoyed the journey, stopping as often as we liked and taking in all the sights of spring. My brother was happy to see us, as were all the rest. We went to eat some really good food, enjoyed the company so much that we woke with aching sides from laughing so much.…

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