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Spiders and Ants

By Julia Schmeelk | April 11, 2018

It is a terrible thing to give less value to some life forms, but honestly spiders and ants are not my favorites. 🕷 and 🐜 make my flesh crawl. Large, small, thick or thin they bother me if they are inside my house. Outside, we’ll it’s different. Outside is where they belong. Unless, and I know this is wrong, but true confession, I feel this way. Unless they make the…

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The Great and Wonderful Jethro

By Julia Schmeelk | April 10, 2018

My poor pup, who is now almost 13 years old, twisted his hip jumping in and out of the car. He has also been suffering with a skin rash for months. After multiple rounds of antibiotics and other options we finally started the medicated bath treatments today. To say that the mighty Jethro hates and detests baths, is an understatement. Under the best of circumstances, a bath is a foul,…

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Reviews: Please and Thank You

By Julia Schmeelk | April 10, 2018

I want to thank everyone who has written a review and plead with those of you who have not, to please write one. Gordon’s Pride has 10 reviews on Amazon, at 15 certain magic doors open for advertising. Please, if you have read and enjoyed the story write that down on Amazon’s review page. Simply go on their sight, sign into your account, find Gordon’s Pride and follow the prompts…

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