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Now that I am writing full time, weekends do not mean the same. When I was teaching, those two days were paperwork, laundry, mucking out the house and recharging. Occasionally I met with students, did a few home visits got involved in an activity with kids, but I tried to keep that time to sleep, spend time with my husband, dog and thinking about my own needs. Peeing whenever I…
Read MoreHave I mentioned that the great and wonderful Jethro happens to be part chicken? Well he is. Last night we had a very interesting weather show with flashing lights and loud bangs and booms. Being the chicken that he is, Jethro was hiding. He has a few favorite spots to wiggle into when things get scary. The back of our closet. Under the kitchen table backed into a nook. Under…
Read MoreIt is a terrible thing to give less value to some life forms, but honestly spiders and ants are not my favorites. 🕷 and 🐜 make my flesh crawl. Large, small, thick or thin they bother me if they are inside my house. Outside, we’ll it’s different. Outside is where they belong. Unless, and I know this is wrong, but true confession, I feel this way. Unless they make the…
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