Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Red Balloon

By Julia Schmeelk | April 18, 2018

An unexpected red Mylar Balloon blew into our lives this morning. At first report it entertained the farm dogs, being chased across the front yard until it managed to escape around the corner by the door of the barn. It’s shiny red heart shape caught the wind and it danced, confusing my husband until he saw it blow up into a tree. He assumed it was caught and out of…

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By Julia Schmeelk | April 15, 2018

I want to thank everyone for their help with this, we have 10 reviews of Gordon’s Pride, 6 reviews of Heron’s Bonds and already 3 reviews of The Heartsinger, Amazon calls it two but they have a total of 3, one on both the kindle and print and then two different ones on each format.  Thanks everyone for helping out! You are the best!

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By Julia Schmeelk | April 15, 2018

My artist has done some amazing work, but Athena’s latest is the scene with the Farmers visiting Grabon’s nest and enjoying a little too much of Griss’s wine. The scene is in book 2 Heron’s Bonds, if you haven’t read it, it is really very funny. Griss is the large red dragon and he comes from a long line of brewmakers. Instead of following the tradition, he set out to…

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