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Social Media

By Julia Schmeelk | April 23, 2018

Readers, I am easy to find on Twitter, @JuliaSchmeelk10, Facebook, Julia Schmeelk Author, and I tag in and out of LinkedIn and Instagram. You can easily find the links on my website,, but what platform do you prefer? It seems that new ones are cropping up all the time, rising and falling very fast. I tried to build a large Facebook presence, but was blocked three different times. Eventually…

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Free Time

By Julia Schmeelk | April 23, 2018

I don’t give myself too much free time, but occasionally I give myself a chunk to do some dreaming up of a new story. Yes, for those who are curious, that is all it takes. I recently noticed a phenomenon that had escaped me before. Free time spent in the confines of my own head, passes very fast in the world where my feet do their walking. I wonder if…

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Rainy Sunday

By Julia Schmeelk | April 22, 2018

With book 4 at the editors, the newsletter written, I think I am actually going to have some time to look over book 5 or read something I haven’t written. Currently I have a Linda Howard and a Sherrilyn Kenyon I haven’t read… That reminds me, if you haven’t signed up on for the Newsletter, you might want to do that before Wednesday. We are also picking another name…

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