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If you have read my books, you probably get the sense that while I am not what anyone would call a fanatic, I do believe in preserving the natural balance of the earth. Water on our planet is portable and connects continents, oceans, and lakes to our drinking water as well as the water we use to grow food. Poison one and you poison it all. Radiate the air in…
Read MoreIt may be terribly old fashioned, but we start every morning with making-up the bed. My husband looked at me frowning this morning and said in his gentlest voice. “ It is real. You don’t have to make it up.” This cracked us both up so much it took a while before it was done. Being a writer I make up things all the time, but for one reason or…
Read MoreReaders, I am easy to find on Twitter, @JuliaSchmeelk10, Facebook, Julia Schmeelk Author, and I tag in and out of LinkedIn and Instagram. You can easily find the links on my website,, but what platform do you prefer? It seems that new ones are cropping up all the time, rising and falling very fast. I tried to build a large Facebook presence, but was blocked three different times. Eventually…
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