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While the first stage of plowing is done, the dirt still needs to be disked and raked. After that I can plant, but meanwhile I have all manner of plants growing inside. Outside, we have bushes and trees blooming and popping out leaves. My lilacs are blooming which always puts a smile on my face. While I am waiting impatiently on the return of book 4 from the last round…
Read MoreAs I am sure I have mentioned before, we spend a lot of time watching cows. Did you know they set up nursery coverage within a herd? They set four to five mommas to watch the babies while everyone else goes off to graze. Those cows on nursery duty, and it changes every day, slowly parade the babies from place to place, exploring their pasture, supervise naps etc. and generally…
Read MoreAre you an ebook person or a paper book person? When I was a kid the real question was paperback or hardback, now almost nobody is looking for hardbacks of popular fiction, although you can find them for new releases in certain book stores. My dad has talked about a collectors volume of my stories with illustrations included. That might be fun to look at for some future date. We…
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