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Julia's Latest Posts

Thanks Bryon

By Julia Schmeelk | May 4, 2018

While Bryon, the amazing tech wizard, was getting his business ready for his absence and putting things in place to bring his wife back after surgery, he also fiddled with the website, making links and creating pages to post material. That almost makes it sound like a I know what he was doing but I don’t, not really. After he waved his wand, spread the magic dust and did a…

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Live Now! NewEarth 4 can be Purchased!

By Julia Schmeelk | May 3, 2018

It is a long process, but once again we have jumped through every hoop, walked every line, dotted every T and crossed every I and we now have Healing listed on Amazon in both formats, kindle and print. Check Amazon under Schmeelk Books and the other books are there too and can also be purchased or read for free on Kindle Unlimited. Healing is another long book, but the story…

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Website Delay

By Julia Schmeelk | May 3, 2018

As the book slowly goes live, the website will not be updated with links to Amazon etc, until Monday. Bryon, my amazing tech wizard  🧙‍♂️  is being a good husband and taking his wife in for surgery. It was my decision to make Healing, NewEarth 4 available to readers as soon as it was ready and before he could make the updates, so if it is annoying, blame me. Remember…

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