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There is something so satisfying about starting a garden from seed. I nurture these little plants inside during the winter and now, this week, I am putting them out in the garden. Of course there are plants that I sew directly in the garden, but not the majority, most of them I started inside. It is backbreaking, sweaty work, moving them all into place. I agonize over the arrangement, but…
Read MoreAs a reader I never knew this. As a matter of fact I have gone through my kindle and left reviews for authors over the last several months because I had been completely unaware of how vital reviews are to selling books, Amazon rankings and feedback for the author. Please if you have read a book and enjoyed it, leave a review.
Read MoreLike everyone, I have moments I’d like to erase from my life, my memory and everyone else’s as well. However there are many moments I want to keep, to hoard, to treasure and most of them are not even big events. I am not sure what makes them stand out apart from all the other moments in my life, or maybe that is what makes them special. Whatever it is…
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