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By CTCadmin | May 15, 2018

There are many things we love and enjoy about living on a farm, but blood sucking parasites that will not leave me alone are not one of them. In the last five days I have had seven to ten ticks removed from all over my body. Of course it doesn’t stop me from gardening or walking through the grass or anything else, but I can tell you that I do…

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Cows and Egrets

By CTCadmin | May 14, 2018

My poor husband was peacefully enjoying a smoke on the porch in the early morning and spotted some large white birds walking in the pasture with the cows. They were at a good distance and without binoculars in hand, he was not sure what kind of birds they were. We later got them in our sights and made sure, but our combined opinion was they are egrets. There were three…

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By CTCadmin | May 13, 2018
NewEarth Series - Hens Wallpaper

It might not seem essential to have them drawn and focus so much attention on one small animal, but the hens of NewEarth are not only a domesticated meat source, they are a domesticated egg source which allows for all manner of cooking.  Over time on NewEarth hens will be in even greater demand. Can you guess why?

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