Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Glossary of Terms


Julia's Latest Posts

Busy Days

By CTCadmin | May 25, 2018
Julia and Jethro - Bridge

No matter the season, some days we manage to cram in 35 things while on others we accomplish 4. Of course that says nothing of the complexity or difficulty of the task, but a 35 day list somehow is more tiring. Yesterday was a 35 day and a travel day to boot. Aside from a ton of little things, we tookJethro, our mighty canine companion to see the doggie dermitologist.…

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Game and Grains

By CTCadmin | May 24, 2018
NewEarth Hens

Since NewEarth is a different planet and growing food from OldEarth doesn’t always work as expected, there are a number of indigenous species that the humans have cultivated and even more that the dragons have used. That being said, combining the two cultures gives them an even broader selection of foods to work with. The importance of variety allows for survival when weather patterns, bugs or fire take out certain…

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Book 5

By CTCadmin | May 23, 2018
NewEarth 5 - Grabon's Nest by Julia Schmeelk

As I am working on book 5, some very interesting comments are coming in. Partially from the questions on theme and genre but also from reviews on Gordon’s Pride. Readers are seeing a parallel between the series and Little House on The Prarie. Specifically the TV series. I wonder if they will continue to see that parallel as the series continues to, develop or it holds only so long as…

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