Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Outdoor Shower

By CTCadmin | May 27, 2018

The medicated bath and bleach rinse was a complete success. We managed to keep poor Jethro relatively calm, considering he hates the very idea of a bath in any shape or form. The hard part was keeping him outside until the bleach dried so it didn’t get on carpets, bedding or anything else. I wonder what it’s going to do to the grass? Not that it matters, killing all these…

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Snake in the Grass

By CTCadmin | May 27, 2018

I was getting things ready to give poor Jethro an outdoor shower with a bleach and water after rinse, recommended by the vet to help him fight this skin infection that has been bothering him, when I skipped to the back of the house to get my fancy spray nozzle with 14 settings on a wand. I had on slip on sandals, not hard shoes. I was thankfully watching the…

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New Pics

By CTCadmin | May 25, 2018
NewEarth 5 - Grabon's Nest by Julia Schmeelk

Athena my incredible artist has been hard at work creating visual scenes to go with various parts of book 5. The cover for Grabon’s Nest is very interesting and somewhat revealing, but I am trying not to give too much away. One of the new scenes is in the market, another in the nest at Grabon’s table. They will be added to the art gallery soon. The art can be…

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