Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Happy Father’s Day

By CTCadmin | June 17, 2018
Zack - 1024

Fathers are a very important part of growing up, whether a child is male or female, having a parent filling the father role is valuable. So to all those parents filling the role whether by blood or bond, love or responsibility, regardless of your gender, do a good job and make those children feel safe and provided for. Stand as the barrier between the youngster and the mean cruel world…

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Sound Barriers

By CTCadmin | June 15, 2018
Julia with the first three books in the NewEarth series

I have a loud voice, that isn’t even much of an opinion as it is a fact. It can travel great distances outside and in a confined space, my voice will bounce off the walls. As a teacher it was an asset as well as a liability. Being loud does not mean everyone can hear you. We are currently living in a house with walls, barriers to sound. That creates…

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New Connection

By CTCadmin | June 14, 2018

Hello everyone, Once again we are trying to establish another Facebook account specific to my writing. Come find me on Facebook at NewEarth Schmeelk. It is open to the public and I will be happy to see you. I am hoping to simply connect my blog to that account the same as it is on Twitter to @JuliaSchmeelk10. As I work to expand my readership, if you have not already…

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