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Weight Limits

By Julia Schmeelk | July 10, 2018

I am a big person, come from big people, and we have very little guilt about it, unlike some other big people who spend their lives apologizing and starving themselves to fit in someone else’s idea of size, but I digress. This rant is about weight limits. Why would they have a 200 lb weight limit on a chair? Or a step stool?  Or a 250lb limit on a ladder?…

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Folding houses

By Julia Schmeelk | July 10, 2018

I am showing my age, but do you remember the Jetson’s with their compact cars etc? We were talking about those cool engineered houses where you basically park and hit the button, run like hell to get out of the way, and the house forms; walls, roof, steps, porch, and everything. They are amazing, but it reminds me of the Jetson’s: a folding house. I wish we could take a…

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Self-cleaning Fridge

By Julia Schmeelk | July 10, 2018

The fridge needs to be cleaned out… one of my least favorite chores, but putting that off won’t make it more pleasant, that’s for sure. Did you ever wonder why we don’t have self-cleaning fridges? I need one with a fridge frog, able to consume unwanted foods, liquids and spit out containers ready to be washed. If it hasn’t been touched in two weeks, gone it should be. With the…

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