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If mosquitoes sucked fat instead of blood, how many of us would lie down and let them take all they wanted? On the other hand, there are people who do not have any body fat to spare… they would be victims of these fat sucking monsters.
Read MoreI did not include those small bloodsuckers in my NewEarth world because I do not think they deserve the attention. What a pest they are, even discounting the diseases and health risks, just based on pure annoyance, they are a menace. It is not going to hurt my feelings to poison them and wipe them out by the thousands. I am a fan of skeeter abatement.
Read MoreDuring our travel yesterday we came to a traffic clog, with warning messages about an accident. Everyone moved over, lots of backup for what seemed like miles of road. I was sincerely hoping they would have the blood cleaned up before we passed. When we were finally able to see something it was a plane in the median missing a wheel. Reports on the news last night said no injuries.…
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