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We May be the only ones, but we get amused sending the Garmen directional program into fits of spasms, getting her lost on country roads and letting her plot her way out. Only yesterday it happened entirely by accident. We werehighway driving through a construction zone detour and she is jabbering about staying on the road when suddenly the screen goes red! “You are traveling in the wrong direction!” She…
Read MoreWe always see the most amazing things as we drive across the country. Today aside from a car 🚘 on Fire 🔥 on the side of the road with rescue workers fighting back the blaze, we saw a helicopter swooping over fields of corn 🌽 obviously checking on things. We had wonderful weather, many courteous drivers and a few stinkers, but mostly everyone we met was wonderful. Managing rest stops…
Read MoreToday is my parents wedding anniversary. They were lucky enough to find one another in their early twenties, during their undergraduate years and somehow managed to fight together through the storms of life. Obviously I am very glad they managed,but I am also grateful for the the example of commitment, devotion, and compromise. Congratulations to both of them, and I hope we celebrate many more years of them being together.
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