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Julia's Latest Posts

Special Day!

By Julia Schmeelk | August 12, 2018
Cattle Pulling a Wagon

It is a writing day, always special in my book and I am steaming ahead on book 14. Hopefully by the time I am done writing, the story still makes sense. But today is also my wonderful mother’s 79th birthday. Unfortunately we are not together, but my brother is with her, celebrating his own monumental rise in numbers and I plan to call later this evening. My brothers and I…

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Reviews and comments

By Julia Schmeelk | August 11, 2018

I love going on Goodreads or checking on Amazon and finding a new review. It always makes my day brighter, so thanks everyone. For those of you who are are unfamiliar with Goodreads, it is far easier to leave a review there than on Amazon. I have heard from several readers that while they submit reviews to Amazon they do not always get posted. All I can do is say…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 11, 2018

I am opening up file 14, book 14 and I have time to work on it. This is indeed a great day. I was so excited I woke up before six am on a Saturday. Unfortunately my thinking brain was not as excited and as much as I tried, I could not get all my thoughts in gear. Now after a little more sleep and a nice cup of tea,…

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