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Yesterday was a lot of fun. I sent out a total of five free books off our list and one sign card. I think I am also going to send out two pieces of art on Friday. I also donated the fifth book to our local library. I was thrilled to hear that all my books have been regularly checked out and read and a couple of people had requested…
Read MoreGo to JuliaSchmeelk.com and sign up for my newsletter to be eligible for free giveaways, be sure to mark that you want us to send you free stuff when we do giveaways. We have had hundreds of spammers, fakes, and frauds signing up, trying to hack in, creating a problem…. so be sure to fill out the form completely. Bryon my tech genius has a plan but it will take…
Read MoreI am sure I mentioned that my friend was visiting and has returned with her amazing daughter, back to their real life in Alaska. Well that left me with a good amount of chocolate peanut butter cereal. I sniffed it and shuddered, Shawn just shook his head. I dropped the bag in the garbage when Shawn said something about maybe the cows????…. Naturally we had to try and see. They…
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